some people take a stand here, and your one DAWG . even though I was forced to go to the hall etc. from the late 1960's, to mid 70's. I never beleived a word of it. but at the same time I always thought the jw's were very bible savy, and knew their stuff. fast foward to 1996-7 breaking up with my wife and living back with my parents. my dad had the perfect study, ME. OUT OF WORK sitting around the house all day , dad preached to me day and night. ( he must have got 200 hours a month out of me.) I tried to hold my ground just based on 1975, cross etc without any research. and I did farely well. but I would allways lose some how? One day I was sitting on the crapper reading A new wt mag about the 1919 convention and the book "MILLIONS NOW LIVING WILL NEVER DIE" well the flood gates opened. I wanted to read this "truth" from 1919 so bad. for 6 MONTHS i learned no jw i've ever talked to read this "TRUTH" or could get their hands on the booklet. well I found "MILLIONS NOW WILL NEVER DIE" AND STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES ALSO. all hell broke out once I was quoting all these false prophecies. I was even making copies of many pages and showing them to elders etc. they were all floored you pick the date ,false teaching, etc. I would print it out from the main public library at 42 nd st. new york. I did all the work and they called me a liar. this went on for months. and I will tell you I never backed down, and no jw could prove me wrong, no matter who they throw in front of me. i always asked "WAS THIS PROPER SPRITUAL FOOD FROM JEHOVAH AT THE PROPER TIME? WAS THAT "TRUTH"?. IF NOT THEM THE WT IS LYING TO YOU TODAY ABOUT 1919/1914 ETC. and there is no way around it. JEHOVAH HATES A FALSE WITNESS... and the wt is a false witness you guys have been jw's for 50 years and it took me to teach you this????????/ you should be ashamed of your selves. !!!!!!!! long story short they told my dad to put me out of his house. I lived in my car for 6 months till i saved enough $$$$$$$$ to get an apt. ALL BECAUSE I EXPOSED EVERY JW , BETHELITE, C.O. THAT THEY BROUGHT INFRONT OF ME IN N.Y.C. AS SPRITUAL DRUNKARDS... and that's the short story. keep up your good work DAWG. JOHN
johnny cip
JoinedPosts by johnny cip
Firm and determined in this time of the end!
by dawg inremember that song, the thousands of examples of good jws standing up to the secular authorities?
we used to sing it "herman's determined" lol!.
i've been a member on this site for almost a year, why is it we allow our loved ones to keep us from taking a stand?
One Hit Wonders - What Songs or Groups or Singers did You Like ?
by flipper inat the recommendation of our own minimus , and others i thought i would start this thread on " one hit wonders ".
singers, groups that come and go , hardly ever or never to be heard from again !
so, a few come to my mind here are mine .
johnny cip
brother louie; the stories. natural high / by blood stone. one more shot/ by c-bank. me and you/ by cassie. i got ya/ joe tex. hard work / john handy. i will love again/ lara fabian. soul macassa ? jackie blue / ozark mountain daredevils. cutie pie / one way. baby love / regina ( sounds like madonna). keep in touch body to body / shades of love. turn the beat around / vicki sue robertson. I like what your doing to me / young and co.
The Moody Blues - Your Favorite Songs and Albums from them ?
by flipper ina band i really liked a lot growing up and as an adult was he moody blues.
their mixing of orchestration from an instrument called the " mellotron " and mixing the orchestration with electric guitars was fantastic.
they wrote very meaningful lyrics analyzing the situations in life as well as the world scene at the time.
johnny cip
GODZILLA a great song that rocks and don't make you think of the moody blues. sorry that was blue oyster cult stupid me. john
Feb. 1 mass calling campaign. Will you call?
by Shawn10538 ini'm not sure if it was mentiopned.
but i think that we are talking about not just one call from each person, but we are talking about spending a good length of time calling repeatedly.
othrwise it just won't have much of an impact.
johnny cip
there's nothing wrong calling bethel if you want. It's a good experience, just have your questions lined up . you will see fast how DISHONEST, THE writing,service dept etc. are. First they will never give you the name of who you are talking to. They will try to imtimatate you ,into giving all your personnal info to them while they give you nothing. they can be tricky, but ask for their desk ID# SINCE THEY HAVE NO NAMES. a few calls to bethel for any jw' with questions, will open thier eyes fast on how dishonest the dopes at bethel are. calling bethel and asking hard questions is like calling the WHITE HOUSE AND ASKING FOR THE LAUNCH CODES TO NUKES... JOHN
In a few minutes, Moshe visits a KH bookstudy meeting.- I'm back
by moshe inwill he manage to make it for the entire hour of the bookstudy or will he open his mouth and - well, you know moshe!.
i am out of town and just thought i would see what has changed in the almost 20 years since i sat in on a kh meeting.
johnny cip
Moshe is one of a hand full of people here that has the nerve to turn a jw study UP-SIDE DOWN !!!!!!! Sitting there for an hour, listening to everything the study was about , and then make a room full jw's look like dopes for not being able to back up a word of what they just studied. I really like Moshe's last comment " all the jw's there were allway WHIPPED". the best part is they invited him back. ha ha. it's going to be hard to beat that . john
Someone please record Louder-back-Wood Vancouver radio Interview tomorrow
by AndersonsInfo insee
attorney kerry louderback-wood will be interviewed on radio, saturday, january 26th at 4 p.m. pst.
it will be a 17-minute interview on the sean leslie show.
johnny cip
Someone please record Louder-back-Wood Vancouver radio Interview tomorrow
by AndersonsInfo insee
attorney kerry louderback-wood will be interviewed on radio, saturday, january 26th at 4 p.m. pst.
it will be a 17-minute interview on the sean leslie show.
johnny cip
as usual we all can count on NATHAN to bring us very important info. thanks for the audio link... john
JWs came to my door
by Victorian sky inthe boy was about 7 years old.
' he looked at his son and didn't answer.
'can you shun this boy?
johnny cip
wow VICTORIA SKY !!!!!!!!!!!!!! DID I SAY WOW......... NOW that's what I'm talking about , cut them off at the pass and pound the crap out of them.. LOVE MY ASS. you ripped this dopes world apart. can't remember the last time I read such a great anti witnessing post here. Let me tell you , you know exactly how to handle jw's. slam the crap out of them before they even get started. I loved the part about twisted scriptures. lol. here's one you may enjoy Victoria. This morning I'm getting coffee at the 7-11 and as I walk out 3 jw's in field serv. so I go over and say hello. well just at the sight of me they all ran into the 7-11 ( looking for the quick excape) so I just stood outside next to the front window sipping my coffee, to see how long I could keep them hiding in the store. 18 minutes i clocked it. watching them walking around the coffee makers and buying nothing. they tried to slip out with a police officer handing him a mag. but I went up and told the cop , these people will tell you to quite your job. as your working for satan. the cop looked at me funny? and I said ain't that so sisters? well those jw's were gone faster than a mouse being chased by a cat. john
OK you scuz buckets... I'm mad now!
by dawg infolks, surly one of you can tell me what the scriptual reasons the jws have that only the so called "annointed" should partake of the evening meal as the laughable jws call it?
have i pissed someone off?
did i not bathe this week?
johnny cip
dawg the wt is using cor. 1 11;27-29 etc and the KEY WORD IN THESE VERSES IS UNWORTHY. as to say only the 144000 are worthy. In a nut shell that's about all they have. they try to tie this in with jn 10;16 other sheep.
Cousin agrees, Questioning the FADS isn't he wants more.
by dawg inok, so all of you know about my letter writing campaign; i've had several break throughs and just as many disappointments... about what i expected.
i'd say the response to my letters has been 50/50.. so, the last few weeks, i've been recieveing e-mail replies from one of my cousins.
he conseedes the fact that it isn't "apostacy" to question the fads.... this after much coaching on my part.. but i gave him three things to look into, one was why it is apostacy in this dumb assesd religion to question the men in the gb.
johnny cip
Moshe; I used your trick , opening my car hood right infront of a kh. just as about 30 dub's were going out in morning fs. I started working some of the sisters, till the fs elders came over, he didn't last 5 minutes with me. I made him look like a spritual drunkard infront of his flock. funny i asked him for a STUDY. BUT HE ADMITTED he wasn't QUALIFIDED, asking jw's a few good questions , makes them run like roaches in the night, when you turn on the LIGHT. JOHN